Watery deals to make a government

Sir, – It seems Irish Water is about to be put on some form of ice, with a gloating political element declaring me a fool for having paid my bills in the first place.

I would like to remove my dunce’s cap and to state that, when it comes to the issue of refunding compliant customers, I do not expect to be treated equally or “no less favourably” as the deal states, than my fellow citizens who were unable to adhere to the law of the land – I expect to be treated better than them. – Yours, etc,




Co Clare

Sir, – It is disgraceful that the caretaker Government capitulated on water charges.

I and thousands of others paid our charges. We want a 21st-century water system.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.

Sir, – And so the saga continues. I was astonished when I received my water bill yesterday.

A commonsense management approach would have been to delay the billing run pending the outcome of new government formation negotiations.

With a customer base of 1.5 million, the postage costs alone must run in excess of €750,000 never mind all the other associated costs, which surely must bring the true cost closer to €1 million – money that would go a long way in their infrastructural budget.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.

Sir, – One hundred years after the Easter Rising I wonder how the men who gave their lives would view the political reality today as one where truth depends entirely on the window politicians are facing at any particular moment.

It’s a shame Euclid restricted these noble people to a mere 180 degrees of U-turn! –

– Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – My hope is that the Independents, will prove to be just that, independent.

Independent and with courage and integrity, prove to be the spanner(s), that will bring the circus to a standstill before it comes to town. –Yours, etc,



Dublin 10.

Sir, – I am deeply heartened by the following sentence in the “confidence and supply arrangement” for a Fine Gael-led government: “We affirm that those who have paid their water bills to date will be treated no less favourably than those who have not”.

As a law-abiding citizen I can sleep soundly now that we will have a government that will ensure I will not be penalised for my naivety.

But if I may continue my naive thoughts, if those whose job it is to create laws feel it is necessary to clarify that those who obey the law will be treated just as well as those who do not, why bother making laws in the first place? – Yours, etc,


Stratford on Slaney,

Co Wicklow.

Sir, – So, in this relatively short-term arrangement, Micheál Martin and Fianna Fáil will forgo seats at the Cabinet table and the spoils of office for the sake of the party’s heady, post-next-election return to dominance and (interrupted) destiny.

A strategy of stooping to conquer!

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.