Tyrone CCC to take no action over Seán Cavanagh injury

Former intercounty star suffered a broken nose and concussion playing for Moy

The injuries sustained by Seán Cavanagh in a Tyrone club championship game were caused accidentally, disciplinary chiefs in the county have found.

The Ulster county’s Competitions Control Committee (CCC) will take no action against any Edendork player as a result of the incident in which the former Tyrone captain suffered a broken nose and concussion while playing for Moy last Saturday.

Members of the CCC considered the report of referee Kieran Eanetta and viewed a video of the game before coming to their decision.

A statement released on Saturday by the Tyrone CCC said it was satisfied the referee acted appropriately in imposing no sanction following the incident.


"Tyrone GAA has now completed its investigation into the incident during the course of the senior football championship fixture – Edendork vs Moy – in which Sean Cavanagh incurred a serious head injury.

“The Tyrone Competitions Control Committee (CCC), on request, considered the referee’s report of the game and viewed a video-recording of the incident in which Sean was injured.

“The CCC was satisfied that the referee was well-positioned, in clear view of the incident, and adjudicated on the matter, appropriately.

“Tyrone GAA takes the opportunity, again, to wish its former senior football team captain, Sean Cavanagh, captain a speedy recovery from the injury that he sustained.”

Last Saturday’s SFC tie at O’Neill Park in Dungannon produced a total of 27 cards – 20 yellow, one black and six red.

None of the dismissals were on straight red cards, however, and the game was highly competitive but never violent.

The incident involving Cavanagh occurred in the first half. No card was issued to the Edendork player involved.

The former Tyrone captain was taken to hospital, after being treated by medics for a time at the sideline.