Quinn awaits club offer

Niall Quinn, widely regarded as one of the Premiership players of the season and in arguably the best form of his career, goes…

Niall Quinn, widely regarded as one of the Premiership players of the season and in arguably the best form of his career, goes into tonight's Republic of Ireland match under a curious and most unexpected cloud, one which may even see him leave Sunderland in the near future.

Despite repeated praise from Sunderland's manager Peter Reid, Quinn has yet to be offered an improved contract along the lines of those recently negotiated by goalkeeper Thomas Sorensen and Quinn's striking partner Kevin Phillips and the situation is sufficiently serious for Michael Kennedy, Quinn's agent-solicitor, to be flying to Sunderland tomorrow or Friday.

Quinn has 15 months of his existing contract remaining. However, his contract was signed when he was a first division player and does not reflect the leap Sunderland's finances have made since their transformation into a successful Premiership club. It also means that one of Sunderland's most influential characters - Quinn is club captain - is on markedly less money than many of his club colleagues.

"I'm still waiting to hear if my form in the Premiership has warranted a new contract," Quinn said yesterday. "Without banging down doors it would nice to hear sooner rather than later."


It is almost inconceivable that Quinn, Sunderland's Player of the Year last season, would be allowed to leave the club prematurely, but at 33, Reid may feel the time is right to start planning for a new front partnership. As for Quinn, although settled in the north-east, he thought seriously about moving abroad a few years ago and it will surely be in his mind that his next contract may be his last in professional football.

Irish Team

Alan Kelly (Blackburn); Gary Kelly (Leeds), Kenny Cunningham (Wimbledon), Paul Butler (Sunderland), Ian Harte (Leeds); Mark Kennedy (Man City), Roy Keane (Man Utd), Mark Kinsella (Charlton), Kevin Kilbane (Sunderland); Niall Quinn (Sunderland), Robbie Keane (Coventry).

Subs to be announced today.

Michael Walker

Michael Walker

Michael Walker is a contributor to The Irish Times, specialising in soccer