Jonathan Walters prepared to consider Stoke future

‘I can’t just sit back . . . and pick up money from a contract which pays us a good living’

Republic of Ireland striker Jonathan Walters will consider his future at Stoke City if he is to become a "bit-part player".

The 30-year-old has made nearly 200 appearances in four years for the Potters but the arrival of attacking reinforcements - Bojan Krkic and Mame Biram Diouf - has cast doubt over his future at the club.

“I don’t want to be one of those players who just picks up his money and has it cushy,” Walters told The Stoke Sentinel. “I’m at an age where I want to be playing and not be a bit-part player.”

Walters, who has scored five goals in 27 appearances for Ireland, added: "We now have a huge squad and I'm pretty sure the club will want to get players out. There will be speculation because I haven't played as much and I see there have been rumours about myself and Peter Crouch.


“It’s not for me to consider, it’s for the club. But if the manager turns round and says we’ve got enough players and we are accepting an offer, what can you do? But there’s got to be an interest in the first place and I don’t know about that.

“As a player you are the last to know until you’re told you’re not in their plans. But nothing has been said to me. That’s for people higher up than me.”

The frontman has been linked in the British press with a move to Crystal Palace, where he could be reunited with former Stoke boss Tony Pulis, and West Bromwich Albion.

“I’ve been here four years and got two years left on my contract so I’m not pushing to do anything,” he said. “But on the other hand, I can’t just sit back like a lot of other players can and just pick up the money from a contract which pays us a good living.

“If you’re not getting game time on the pitch, you’re not content.