Timing of trials puts Neptune's plans awry

Rowing : Neptune's senior eight built on a good start to come home fastest at the Dublin Head of the River on Saturday

Rowing: Neptune's senior eight built on a good start to come home fastest at the Dublin Head of the River on Saturday. Trinity took second and the visitors from St Michael's of Limerick, despite positioning problems at both the start and Heuston Bridge, were a creditable third.

London Head next month would have been the obvious next step for the winning crew as they build towards Henley Royal Regatta and the National Championships, but coach Jimmy O'Neill says that international trials fixed for the same weekend as London have left their plans in limbo. Six of his eight will likely target the trials.

O'Neill, joint coach of this crew with Liam Perdisatt, said national coach Harald Jahrling's programme is impacting negatively on the club scene. "He's very unsympathetic to club rowing," said O'Neill, a vastly experienced coach and mentor, of Jahrling.

Competitors at the World Championships will not be allowed compete at the National Championships, but O'Neill thinks the net may be cast too wide and athletes who are not at the very top level will be unavailable to the clubs while perhaps not making an impact or even the international team at the worlds.

Liam Gorman

Liam Gorman

Liam Gorman is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in rowing