Century: Too much to hope

In Dublin, a combative, ragtag coalition of feminists, socialists, trade unionists and just plain messers all did their bit for the anti-war effort

Almost 100 years on it is hard to imagine the carnage that ensued in this peaceful, Turkish seaside resort. Only the graves bear testament

Belfast-born ‘Hoppy’ Hardy, a decorated war hero, was a ruthless murderer in the War of Independence

Redmond’s gamble that Irish nationalism’s support for empire in first World War would cement home rule proved terribly wrong, but Great War was still ‘our war’

There is little consensus on the actual number of Irishmen who were killed in the Great War. It is unlikely we will ever get a definitive reckoning


The Irish Times ePaper

How does a post-Brexit world shape the identity and relationship of these islands

Inquests into the nightclub fire that led to the deaths of 48 people