Can it really be that time of year again when we start planning our next getaway? Now that Christmas is over, many of us are looking to escape the January blues and kick off the new year with a bit of winter sun.
You might think that, as a seasoned flight attendant with nearly a decade of experience, I would be the most organised traveller around. But, alas, you’d be mistaken. It’s a classic case of the cobbler’s children having no shoes.
Despite my knowledge of travel tricks, I often find myself racing through the airport, desperately trying to grab last-minute essentials before my flight boards. Yes, I confess I frequently leave my travel preparations to the last minute, and, while sprinting to the gate, I curse myself for not having packed a bottle of water after clearing security.
To help you avoid the travel stress I often inflict upon myself, I’ve compiled my top five tips for a smoother journey.
Buy your own liquid bag
The rules around liquids can be confusing and often change from country to country.
If you’re travelling within Europe, you’ll need to pack all your liquids into one of those tiny plastic bags they give you at the airport that rarely fit everything you need. To save yourself from the last-minute scramble, invest in a clear plastic case that meets aviation guidelines.
For just a few quid, you can neatly pack your liquids at home instead of frantically stuffing them into a bag while under pressure from security agents. Trust me, it’s the best fiver you’ll ever spend.
Book your flights early
January is often a time when airlines offer great deals for travel, making it an ideal month to plan your next trip. However, I’ll admit it: I’m the worst offender when it comes to booking flights in advance.
As a cabin crew member, I have the unique advantage of flying cheaply on standby tickets, but this doesn’t mean I should procrastinate. Booking your flights early not only secures better prices, but also gives you peace of mind, allowing you to plan your getaway without the last-minute stress of searching for a flight.
Arrive early at the airport
There’s nothing quite like the panic of running through the airport, like Kevin McCallister’s dad in Home Alone, desperately trying to catch a flight. I’ve done this more times than I care to admit.
Instead, take my advice and arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare – what I like to call “dad time”. While we often poke fun at those dads who show up five hours early, it’s worth noting that they are far less stressed than those of us racing against the clock.
Pack smart
Smart packing is essential for hassle-free travel, especially when embarking on a new-year adventure. Utilise vacuum bags to save space and try to carry on your luggage whenever possible.
Always keep a spare set of clothes in your carry-on. Take it from my sister, who once packed everything in the hold and then had to wear her sweatpants on a night out in London’s West End when the airline lost her bag.
Packing smart not only saves you from wardrobe malfunctions, but also ensures you have everything you need right at your fingertips.
Embrace technology
Consider using AirTags to keep track of your luggage. These little devices provide peace of mind by helping you locate your bags if they go astray.
Additionally, download your favourite shows on your iPadm tablet, or phone before you leave so you have entertainment ready for the flight. Don’t forget to bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated during your travels.
[ An Irish flight attendant on the top five most annoying things passengers doOpens in new window ]
Lastly, never underestimate the power of snacks. Packing your favourite treats can make your journey more enjoyable and help ward off any hunger pangs that may strike mid-flight.
By following these simple yet effective tips, you can transform your travel experience from chaotic to calm. Safe travels, and may your new year be filled with exciting adventures.
- Paula Gahan is from Kildare and lives in London. She works as a cabin crew member for an international airline
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