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Diploma in Legal Studies attracts a diverse group of mature students

Ciarán Patton BL, the course leader for the part-time Diploma at King’s Inns, discusses the benefits of the course's practical-led learning and how it is designed for students who mainly work full time

On Saturday, February 27, King’s Inns will host their annual Be a Law Student for a Day event. Attendees will experience life as a Diploma student by taking part in classes like those on the course.

King’s Inns' Diploma in Legal Studies is a two-year law course taught through a mix of lectures and small-group practical (tutorial) teaching and learning. Students complete tasks like problem–solving, mooting, advising fictional clients, consultations, and presenting and opposing legal arguments during tutorials.

“The emphasis on small-group teaching and learning fosters student engagement and active learning and makes the course especially rewarding,” says Ciarán Patton BL, the Diploma’s academic coordinator and course leader.

Many Diploma graduates find the qualification of benefit in their current career or use the qualification to open up new career opportunities. One Diploma graduate - a science lecturer - said the course “. . . provides a solid foundation for anyone considering a legal, business, educational, or public-service career.”

Some graduates progressed to further study of law by doing taught or research masters, PhDs, or King’s Inns' Barrister-at-Law Degree. Others did the course just because they were interested in learning the law.


The Diploma’s student body is diverse. Students come from different social, educational, professional, and geographical backgrounds and quickly realise how conducive this diversity is to their learning. Many have a third–level non-law qualification. But some do not. Indeed, the Diploma is open to people with no formal education whatsoever.

“Mindful of these students and others who have been away from formal education for a long time, King’s Inns delivers a free Study–Skills Course on five evenings in early September. Topics covered include time management, note-taking, academic research, reading academic (and specifically legal) texts, academic writing, and giving oral presentations,” says Patton.

A former student - a classical musician - said the Diploma “. . . attracts people from all professions and backgrounds. This provokes critical discussion on personal experiences of the law, which raise questions one might not otherwise ask.”

Some students come straight from college, but most come from the workplace. Indeed, the vast majority of Diploma students work full time or run a business and might have family commitments. Class times suit students with already busy lives. There are three evenings of lectures and one evening of tutorials from Monday to Thursday. Tutorials are also on seven or eight Saturdays spread throughout the academic year.

The cost of the Diploma is considered to be of excellent value. The course fee is €9,950 and students can pay it in four instalments as they complete the course. This fee compares favourably to the fee for law degrees, which take three-four years to complete. A former student - who works in the civil service - said that the Diploma “. . . is an investment. You’re investing in your future, with what can only be the best and most supportive teaching staff. . . . Whether it’s for your career or as a pastime, this course will offer you everything you could want, without the commitment of a four-year degree.”

Students facing financial difficulties may apply for remission of fees under the Maurice Gaffney Scholarship.

The Reading Room at the King’s Inns Library on Henrietta Street.

So what do students get in return? "The starting point is King's Inns' expert tuition," says Patton. "If expertise is judged by knowledge, training, qualifications, and experience, then our lecturers and tutors are experts in their respective fields." Furthermore, students can access various resources on Moodle, King's Inns' online learning platform. The availability of lecture recordings facilitates students who miss lectures and is of great assistance for revision purposes. Students have access to superior and up-to-date reading materials and the Library's many online resources and databases.

Would you like to know what it's like to be a student on King's Inns' Diploma in Legal Studies? On a yearly basis, King's Inns offers interested people a chance to experience life as a Diploma student by taking part in classes like those on the course. On Saturday, February 27th, 2021, King's Inns will host their annual Be a Law Student for a Day event. The event will take place on Zoom. To register for the event, visit the King's Inns website.

For more information about the Diploma, visit the King's Inns website.

About King’s Inns

King’s Inns Main Building on Constitution Hill, Dublin 1

Based between Henrietta Street and Constitution Hill in Dublin 1, King’s Inns is an independent educational institution, renowned for professional legal education and training. As well as educating future and qualified barristers, the School extends its reach to a broader community of people from non–legal backgrounds offering a wide range of accessible part-time and online courses in specialist areas of the law.

With courses taught by expert law practitioners, King’s Inns' students include leaders, advocates, innovators, and game-changers, from industries across Ireland and abroad. The School excels in promoting the use of the Irish language in the law.

For more information, visit