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Keep It Universal is connecting artists globally by sharing a piece of their soul

Art has no language because it itself is one. Artists communicate not by words but by expressions that ooze out of their creativity

Keep it Universal, connecting artists globally

Music as a form of art has managed to connect souls from across the world. The same goes for painting, poetry, and other forms of art. In this growing age of digital media, art has undergone a facelift. It is where anyone from any corner of the world can share their thoughts to connect with like-minded people. Artists are no exception in this regard. Keep It Universal is a humble initiative to take this connection a step ahead for artists to connect and share, irrespective of sex, race, religion, and place.

Keep It Universal was born during the pandemic-related lockdown period when people were confined indoors. During this time, the founder, Manuel Ayala, decided to connect with people on Facebook over a common topic: being passionate about music, Manuel shared a post that asked people to share a favorite song as a way to share a piece of their soul. The response to the post went beyond his expectations as Manuel was able to list 61 songs from across the world that belonged to different genres and convey a different form of emotion. He then prepared a playlist of these 61 songs on YouTube and listened to each of them.

The playlist took him on a fascinating journey where he could connect with each of the songs and the emotion it expressed. Although he did not understand some of the lyrics, every song was able to touch his soul. Manuel then went back to his Facebook post and thanked everyone for sharing a piece of their soul. It was then the idea of creating a common platform for artists dawned on him.

Keep It Universal was founded with the sole initiative to help local artists find their audience. The platform believes that art has the potential to connect two souls without even speaking a word. This is where that platform plays a key role in connecting artists from across the world. The creative logo of Keep It Universal exemplifies the platform's concept. The "I" in the center of the logo forms an individual or artist. It is the same "I" that completes "K" and "U" in the logo to signify the connection between the letters.


To stay true to its initiative to help local artists widen their reach across the world, Keep It Universal has decided to donate 10 percent of its proceeds to the Spirit of Harmony Foundation. It is an organisation working to advocate for the importance of music education for the social, biological, economic, and academic benefits of young people. The organisation is involved in providing instrument-based institutional music lessons and performances.

Over a period, Keep It Universal has consistently grown its list of featured artists. The list includes musicians, painters, and poets, among other artists. Since its inception, art has been of ultimate significance to the platform, and it will continue to be in the coming years. Going forward, Keep It Universal wants to expand its reach to more artists worldwide to help them share their creativity on the platform and build a connection with people across the globe that have similar interests.