Homelessness hits new high as 100 more children enter emergency shelter
Figures come as Minister rows back on Government commitment to end homelessness by 2030
‘You can see holes in the ceilings’: Dublin flats residents protest over damp, mould and dereliction
They stage march to demand repairs and maintenance so they can live in 'safe and healthy homes'
Landlords with 100-plus tenancies in Dublin now have 26% of rental market
Number of institutional landlords in capital has grown, with average rent for new tenancies at €2,226
Retrofitting rental homes in the State would cost €8bn, ESRI finds
Four–fifths have lower energy efficiency ratings and would cost up to €43,000 each to upgrade
House prices could increase due to relaxation of garden-room planning rules, say experts
Department of Housing is considering changes to exempt free-standing modular or cabin-style homes from planning permission
‘Alarming’ incidence of ‘sex for rent’ advertisements, survey of international students finds
The views of 512 international students were reported in the study for the Irish Council for International Students
Sex for rent offers in Dublin: The landlord wanted me to share a bed with him
When she contacted a man who was advertising a room, it turned out she would have to share a bed with him
What is the new short-term letting legislation and why was it stalled?
European Commission imposed standstill period on progress of Bill to regulate short-term letting while it worked to agree regulation on EU-wide level
‘We’re just about getting by’: Young family faces eviction after council declines to purchase home from landlord
Paul Harney (42) lives in three-bedroom apartment in Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, with his wife and daughter
‘Anxiety levels are through the roof’: How speculation around rent pressure zones is affecting one renter
Mark Finlay (42) says the RPZ rules are the only reason he can afford to pay his rent
Owners of defective apartments face further delays to grants after Housing Agency oversight
Legal advice revealed ‘pathfinder’ scheme was not fully compliant with law
Thousands of landlords face fines of up to €15,000 for illegally increasing rents in fresh crackdown
RTB data identifies 16,000 ‘tenancies of concern’ with rent rises above 2 per cent
Housing RPZs: What will a new rental regulation system mean for renters in Ireland?
Q&A: The Government wants to attract more private landlords, but how will that affect rents?
New ‘reference rental’ system proposed as replacement for rent pressure zones
New form of rent control under consideration for entire country
Social housing targets need ‘adequate funding’, officials tell Minister
Local authorities and Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) are ‘approaching capacity’ under existing resourcing