Aer Lingus misery; a grim economic outlook; and budgeting advice from Irish mammies

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Aer Lingus has cancelled flights to and from Boston and Chicago on Tuesday. Photograph: Colin Keegan/Collins

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More misery for Aer Lingus passengers as the airline cancels four transatlantic flights today. Flights to and from Boston and Chicago from Dublin have fallen victim to the airline’s ongoing battle with Covid among its crew. The airline had to pull its Seattle service yesterday due to illness while a technical issue grounded its flight to Washington DC. Barry O’Halloran reports

There are also more grim projections for the economy. Eurogroup president Paschal Donohoe said EU growth was already lower than it would have been as a result of Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing threat to energy supplies means it could get worse. He was speaking in Brussels after a meeting of euro zone finance ministers. Naomi O’Leary was there.

Meanwhile, the OECD said that high inflation, low consumer confidence and falling stock indices are likely to see economic growth slow in the EU over the next six to nine months.

Ireland needs to push for a second electricity interconnector between Ireland and France, the the Institute of International and European Affairs says, in order to help keep consumer prices down and to ensure security of supply. Colin Gleeson reports


Two Irish renewables groups have taken the regulator to court over its ruling that it can shut them down without compensation if there are issues with the grid. The companies, including Energia, say the regulator has chosen not to implement an EU regulation giving power-generating companies compensation in such circumstances.

After a subdued start to the year, development land sales took off in the second quarter, helped by two megadeals in Dublin. Ian Curran reports that €275 million of business was done by the time June 30th came around.

Cheesemaker Glanbia has gone to mediation in a €3.2 million row with suppliers over allegedly contaminated salt. Bird feathers, bits of wood and even metal shards are among the items allegedly found in supplies destined for its cheese productions.

Former Formula 1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone has been charged with fraud following an investigation by the United Kingdom tax authorities, who allege that he has undeclared overseas assets worth more than €472 million.

Trailfinders, the company specialising in travel to long haul and less mainstream destinations saw a strong recovery in sales last year. But it is still a long way short of pre-Covid business levels and says uncertainty about Covid restrictions globally isn’t helping. Gordon Deegan reports.

As the women’s Euro championships in football continue, Laura Slattery looks at efforts by sponsors, the media and some male sports stars to push back against the sexism that still engulfs women’s sport.

In Personal finance, with prices rising rapidly, families are paying more attention to household budgeting. Joanne Hunt talks to three of the more practical Irish mammies who are found online these days for their tips for getting through the current price squeeze.

An Irish reader abroad tried to shift his non-resident bank account from the soon-to-depart Ulster Bank elsewhere only to be told by AIB and Bank of Ireland that he couldn’t. That’s rubbish but it throws a spotlight on some of the issues for bank consumers trying to negotiate a particularly stressful transition.

Q&A also advises someone looking to leverage their Dublin home into cash to allow them buy an apartment in Spain.

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