Blood pressure medicines, common antibiotics and topical creams among out-of-stock products

Impact of crisis should serve as ‘wake-up call’ to policymakers, says Azure Pharmaceuticals

Certain eyedrop products are among the medicines that Irish people are finding are out-of-stock. Photograph: iStock

Six in 10 people in the State have been affected by medicine shortages over the past year, according to research commissioned by Azure Pharmaceuticals. The finding coincides with the number of out-of-stock medicines reaching a record 289 after a “notably bad” period of shortages, the pharma company said.

More than half of patients have been told on more than one occasion by a pharmacist in the past 12 months that the medicine they were seeking was not in stock, according to a survey of 1,200 people conducted by Amárach Research on behalf of Azure.

Its latest Medicine Shortages Index, based on Health Products and Regulatory Authority (HPRA) data, shows that in the past four weeks, the number of medicines unavailable across the State has jumped by 50, the largest single monthly increase recorded.

Among the medicines out-of-stock include low dose packs of Aspirin 75mg, which is dispensed around 4 million times per year in the State.


Others out of stock include medicines to treat blood pressure, high cholesterol, common antibiotics, medicines for depression, anxiety and insomnia together with a number of eyedrops and topical creams.

Business HSE says price is not an issue affecting medicine supplyOpens in new window ]

Separately, the Azure-commissioned Amárach survey found that 56 per cent of Irish adults said they were aware of the medicine shortages crisis that Ireland has faced over the past year, with 48 per cent of the population reporting a high level of concern about the scarcity of various medicines.

Among people who encountered medicine supply issues at a pharmacy, 44 per cent had difficulties obtaining prescription medicine, 24 per cent faced issues with over-the-counter (OTC) medicine, and 31 per cent encountered shortages for both types of medications.

The cohort most worried by the lack of availability of medicines are women in the age category of 35-44, according to the research findings.

The severity of the crisis and the impact it is having on patients, pharmacists and doctors should serve as a wake-up call for policymakers, said Sandra Gannon, chief executive of Azure, which specialises in manufacturing widely used off-patent medicines.

“These findings, coupled with a new record high in the number of shortages, reflects the worsening nature of this issue since it first emerged at the start of 2020.”

Medicine shortages have increased by 50 per cent in six months and 65 per cent over the past 12 months.

“Policymakers have yet to fully grasp its cause and effect. Month by month, we have seen the numbers grow,” Ms Gannon said.

“Yet despite the trend over a prolonged period, the policy response continues to be defensive or non-existent.”

The Azure boss said the findings of the survey were “deeply troubling” and underscored the impact the shortages were having.

“Almost half of the population is concerned about the deteriorating state of the availability of medicines. This level of concern reflects the tangible impact on individuals’ access to necessary medications and their overall wellbeing.”

Ms Gannon said the Irish market was “particularly vulnerable” because of diminishing margins for generic medicines, an over-reliance on single-sourced medicines and the fact that other countries pay higher prices for certain products.

Policy measures taken by other European countries to address the ongoing medicine shortages crisis include improved data reporting, measures to encourage the entry of new suppliers and price increases, she noted.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics