3Com's net income rises

3Com, the computer network company which employs more than 1,000 people in Blanchardstown, Co Dublin, said yesterday its first…

3Com, the computer network company which employs more than 1,000 people in Blanchardstown, Co Dublin, said yesterday its first-quarter net income, excluding a once-off charge, rose more than 13 per cent to $172.2 million (£118 million) compared to the yearago period. The company said that, including the charge related to its merger with US Robotics, it recorded losses for the quarter of $146.8 million.

Sales for the three months reached record levels, the firm added, rising 28 per cent to $1.6 billion (£1.01 billion). No separate figures were available for its Irish operations.

"The merger of 3Com and US Robotics is off to a tremendous start," said Mr Eric Benhamou, the firm's chairman and chief executive. "Our first quarter as a combined company has led to increased market share and sequentially improved operating margins."