8,000 drop in North's jobless

The number of people unemployed in Northern Ireland has dropped by 8,000 in the past year, according to British government statistics…

The number of people unemployed in Northern Ireland has dropped by 8,000 in the past year, according to British government statistics released yesterday. The figures show that 51,000 people - 6.9 per cent of the workforce - are jobless. The seasonally adjusted unemployment figure for last month is down 1,500 and stands at 56,800, the lowest in 18 years. However, the Labour Force Survey also showed that total employment had risen by just 1,000 over the year to June, while there was an increase of 15,000 in the number of economically inactive.

The North's Economy Minister, Mr Adam Ingram, said he was very encouraged by the downward trend in unemployment but agreed that further improvement was necessary. "A great deal of effort and commitment is required from everyone in Northern Ireland if further growth in employment is to be realised and the recent growth in inactivity reversed."