Big bosses feeling unloved but hugs won't cure economy's ills

Obama is ‘demonising’ business, say lobbyists, cannily ignoring all evidence to the contrary, writes PAUL KRUGMAN

Obama is 'demonising' business, say lobbyists, cannily ignoring all evidence to the contrary, writes PAUL KRUGMAN

JOB CREATION in the US has been disappointing, but first-quarter corporate profits were up 44 per cent from a year earlier. Consumers are nervous, but the Dow, which was below 8,000 on the day Barack Obama was inaugurated, is now over 10,000. In a rational universe, American business would be very happy with Obama.

But no. All the buzz lately is that the Obama administration is “anti-business”. And there are widespread claims that fears about taxes, regulation and budget deficits are holding down business spending and blocking economic recovery.

How much truth is there to these claims? None. Business spending is indeed low, but no lower than one would have expected given widespread overcapacity and weak consumer spending.


Business leaders are feeling unloved, but giving them a group hug won’t cure what ails the economy.

Ask the Obama-is-scaring- business crowd for some actual evidence supporting their claim, and they will tell you that business spending on plants and equipment is at its lowest level, as a share of GDP, in 40 years. What they don’t mention is the fact that business investment always falls sharply when the economy is depressed. After all, why should businesses expand their production capacity when they are not selling enough to use the capacity they already have? And in case you haven’t noticed, the economy is still deeply depressed.

Historically, there has been a close relationship between the level of business investment and the “output gap”, the difference between the economy’s actual output and its long-run trend – which means that there’s nothing surprising about low investment now, given the fact that the output gap is hugely negative. If anything, it is surprising how well business investment has been holding up.

Alternatively, we can look directly at measures of unused business capacity. Capacity utilisation in industry is up over the past year, but still far below historical norms. Vacancy rates at industrial and retail properties are at historic highs. Again, given businesses have plenty of idle structures and machines, why would they build or buy more?

So where is the evidence that an anti-business climate is depressing spending? The answer, supposedly, is that this is what you hear when you talk to entrepreneurs. But don't believe it. Yes, when you talk to business people they complain about taxes, regulations and the deficit; they always do. But the Obama's- socialist-policies-are-wrecking- the-economy chorus isn't coming from businesses; it is coming from business lobbyists, which is not at all the same thing. Read the report on the US Chamber of Commerce in the latest Washington Monthly: Peddling scare stories about what Democrats are up to is a large part of what organisations like the chamber do for a living.

Or read through the latest survey of small business trends by the National Federation for Independent Business, an advocacy group. The commentary at the front of the report is largely a diatribe against government – “Washington is applying leeches and performing blood-letting as a cure” – and you might naively imagine that this diatribe reflects what the surveyed businesses said. But while a few businesses said the political climate was deterring expansion, they were vastly outnumbered by those citing a poor economy.

The charts at the back of the report, showing trends in business perceptions of their “most important problem”, are even more revealing.

It turns out that business is less concerned about taxes and regulation than during the 1990s, an era of booming investment. Concerns about poor sales, on the other hand, have surged. The weak economy, not fear about government actions, is what is holding investment down.

So why are we hearing so much about the alleged harm being inflicted by an anti-business climate? For the most part it is the same old, same old: lobbyists trying to bully Washington into cutting taxes and dismantling regulations, while extracting bigger fees from their clients along the way.

Beyond that, business leaders are, as I said, feeling unloved: the financial crisis, health insurance scandals, and the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico have taken a toll on their reputation. Somehow, however, rather than blaming their peers for bad behaviour, CEOs blame Obama for “demonising” business – by which they apparently mean speaking frankly about the culpability of the guilty parties.

Well, CEOs are people, too – but soothing their hurt feelings is not a priority right now, and it has nothing at all to do with promoting economic recovery. If we want stronger business spending, we need to give businesses a reason to spend. And to do that, the government needs to start doing more, not less, to promote overall economic recovery.– (New York Times News Service)

Paul Krugman’s column will appear on the Saturday Finance pages during July and August. Cantillon will return to its Saturday spot in September but will continue to appear on Tuesday and Thursday for the summer period.

Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman, a Nobel laureate, is professor of economics at City University of New York, professor emeritus of economics and international affairs at Princeton University, and a New York Times columnist