ComReg publishes postal strategy

The postal regulator ComReg has published a strategy statement for the sector over the next three years as it grapples with the…

The postal regulator ComReg has published a strategy statement for the sector over the next three years as it grapples with the impending introduction of full competition to Irish postal services.

The document is framed by EU agreement on a deadline of December 31st, 2010, for the introduction of full competition in postal markets across the member states.

A number of EU markets are already fully open, including the UK and, since January 1st, Germany.

"While Ireland is not a leader in [ opening its market to competition], it is essential that we follow suit as soon as possible for the sake of ensuring that our economy retains its competitiveness," the strategy states, calling for the "unambiguous and precise" transposition of the third postal directive into Irish law.


ComReg chairman John Doherty acknowledged that "it will be some time following the opening of postal markets to competition before consumers will reap the full benefits".

But he said the regulator aimed to create conditions that would encourage "sustainable, dynamic and innovative competition" in the Irish postal market.

Independent business-to-business postal company DX Ireland welcomed the commitment to implement full competition by the 2010 deadline, but said it was disappointed that the strategy did not mention the introduction of post codes.