ComReg seeks review of 'unbundling' ruling

The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) applied to the High Court yesterday to have a judicial review of its decision…

The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) applied to the High Court yesterday to have a judicial review of its decision on "unbundling" heard as quickly as possible.

However, the regulator did not apply to have a "stay" - which was imposed by the High Court last week - on its controversial ruling against Eircom removed.

ComReg and Eircom are involved in a bitter dispute over unbundling, the process of opening Eircom's local access network to rivals who want to provide their own services to users.

Last week Eircom was granted a judicial review of a ruling made by ComReg that would make it easier for rivals to use the last mile of its telecoms network.


The ruling seeks to automate the process of transferring Eircom customers to lines that have been unbundled by the firm's rivals. It would also enable customers to transfer to rivals without experiencing any break in their phone and broadband internet service, according to the regulator.

In recent weeks, ComReg has issued a series of rulings and enforcement orders in an attempt to get Eircom to attend industry meetings and comply with its directions. However, Eircom has opposed the rulings.

In court, Eircom is expected to argue that ComReg has not followed correct regulatory procedure through its rulings and is seeking to refuse Eircom its right of appeal to an appeals panel.

ComReg was asked by the High Court yesterday to file its reply to Eircom's arguments by March 2nd.

This is the second time Eircom has issued legal proceedings against ComReg over unbundling. It previously sought a judicial review over the price set for other operators to use its network.