Ronan bids to overturn refusal of 10-storey Appian Way apartments

Architects in favour of project argue that proposed building would be ‘local landmark’

Johnny Ronan planned initially to build a 13-storey high tower on the Appian Way site in Dublin. File photograph: Collins

Johnny Ronan planned initially to build a 13-storey tower on the Appian Way site in Dublin where he was recently refused permission for a 10-storey build-to-rent apartment scheme.

That is according to architects for the scheme, Shay Cleary Architects, who are supporting Mr Ronan’s attempt to have Dublin City Council’s planning refusal overturned.

In a submission as part of the appeal lodged on behalf of Mr Ronan’s RGRE and J&R Valery’s Ltd to An Bord Pleanala, the architects state that the 29-studio and 15 one-bedroom apartment scheme was reduced from 13 storeys to 10 after consultation with the council.

Advancing the case for the 10-storey proposal, the architects say “it is our strong contention that the proposed building responds creatively to, and respects and enhances, its context”.


The firm said they proposed the 10-storey building “as a local landmark and focal point”.

A council note of a pre-planning consultation meeting show that it told Ronan group representatives that the 13-storey height would materially contravene the city development plan and the proposal to include 70 per cent of units as studios was unsupported.

Height guidelines

John Spain, a planning consultant for Mr Ronan's group, has told the appeals board that construction of a 10-storey building was supported by height guidelines, that encourage increased density and apartment building heights.

Mr Spain said the site “is capable of carrying a new modern element within the streetscape”.

He notes that the proposed scale, height and layout of the development “provides for an appropriate scale and use of the strategically-located site”.He further argues that “the scale, massing and appearance” of the scheme “makes it visually distinctive contributing to the creation of a strong design response to the site”.

The scheme has faced strong local opposition and Mr Spain added that the proposal “provides for much needed residential accommodation in a high accessible area well served by quality public transport”.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times