It's not been easy, but you think you have everything covered. That coveted millennium new year's eve trip has been booked, including all hotels and restaurants, and now all you have to do is sit back and watch the panic around you as other less organised mortals struggle to put some plan together.
Think again. A British group set up to promote awareness of the Y2K bug says the leisure sector is one of the least prepared for the event.
It paints a picture of celebrations turning sour at midnight as fire detection systems trigger false alarms, leaving revellers shivering in the street or in restaurants and bars whose heating and lighting systems fail to beat the bug.
Getting back to the hotel, they could find those doors requiring smart cards failing to operate, locking guests in or out of their rooms with no telephone service to summon help - and that's assuming you can get through the automatic front doors to start with.
Maybe I'll just stay at home after all.