Doyle Hotel Group

Estimated worth: More than £150 million

Estimated worth: More than £150 million

Status: family business, founded in 1961 and built up by the late PV Doyle

Room numbers: 1,400 at its seven hotels in Dublin, 525 (by the end of this year) in Washington DC, 200 in London

Employment: 1,100 people, plus another 300 on seasonal or part-time basis.


Turnover: £62 million to the start of this year. Not obliged to give profits.

Flagship: The Berkeley Court, which gives pride of place in its gilded marble lobby to a large painted portrait of Mr PV Doyle, followed closely by the Westbury. The largest, with 520 bedrooms, is the Burlington, which runs a popular rival Irish cabaret to that of Jurys.

Others: The Doyle Montrose, Doyle Tara, Doyle Skylon, Doyle Green Isle in Dublin, Washington Courtyard, Doyle Normandy and, later this year, the Doyle Washington Hotel in Washington DC, and the Doyle Clifton Ford.