Dublin Bus sparkles

Mr Pearse McCaughey, creative director, Cawley Nea Advertising & Marketing.

Mr Pearse McCaughey, creative director, Cawley Nea Advertising & Marketing.

It was a good year for Irish advertising - or as Eamon Dunphy might say - a good year, not a great year. A quick rewind on television proves that, while production standards and directorial talent have become world-class, big budgets do not always equal big ideas. There were, however, excellent campaigns for HB Ice Cream, Golden Pages and McDonalds, all of which had a distinctive, yet unforced, Irish dimension.

In the press there was little to write home about in the way of campaigns. Like radio, there were individual flashes of brilliance but nothing I can remember from either medium comes close to a classic campaign.

So, in my 1999 time capsule, pride of place goes to the under-rated poster campaigns for Dublin Bus that extolled the virtues of the Quality Bus Corridor and the Nitelink services. The execution and tone was perfect for both campaigns. The best compliment I can pay them is to reveal that I know people who changed their habits and took to life in the bus lane. And, come to think of it, isn't that the result advertisers will want for the next thousand years?