Early euro zone states now further apart economically, says ECB

Progress towards convergence among 12 countries described as ‘disappointing’

European Centeal Bank president Mario Draghi: euro zone members failed to recognise that lower borrowing costs would only provide a temporary boost. Photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times

The euro zone's founding members are further apart economically than they were, a "disappointing" outcome defying the premise that laggards would slowly catch up in the common currency bloc, the European Central Bank said yesterday.

Early members failed to recognise that lower borrowing costs, a key benefit in the currency union, would only provide a temporary boost and, left unchecked, would actually lead to many of the troubles that pushed the bloc into debt crisis.

“Progress towards real convergence among the 12 countries that formed the euro area in its initial years has been disappointing,” the ECB said.

The unusually strong commentary from the bank highlights the fragility of the currency union, which is still fighting an existential crisis after Greece came close to being forced out after years of failed reforms and ballooning debt.


Though not a founding member of the currency union, Greece was included in 2001 and was among the 12 nations that started using euro banknotes in 2002.

Euro zone membership pushed down borrowing costs, fuelling unsustainable credit-driven growth, and governments assumed this would last. Once the boost ran out and growth faltered, debt levels rose quickly and, ultimately, four members including Ireland received bailouts.

“There is some evidence of divergence among the early adopters of the euro, given that over 15 years a number of relatively low-income countries have maintained (Spain and Portugal) or even increased (Greece) their income gaps with respect to the average,” it added.

“Moreover, Italy, initially a higher-income country, recorded the worst performance, suggesting substantial divergence from the high-income group.”

Meanwhile, late jointers Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia have recorded the highest degree of convergence among the EU countries, the ECB added. – (Reuters)