For your diary

Rolls Royce: results out on Friday. Photographer: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg

TODAY Results: Hasbro. Indicators: Euro zone Sentix investor confidence (Feb); US labour market conditions index (Jan); German trade balance (Dec) and current account (Dec); OECD composite leading indicators.

TOMORROW Results: New Look Retail; Western Union. Meetings: Launch of InterTrade Ireland's new Funding for Growth advisory services (Croke Park Conference Centre). Indicators: US wholesale inventories (Dec); UK industrial production (Dec) and PPI core output (Jan); French industrial output (Dec); Japanese consumer confidence (Jan); OECD harmonised unemployment rates. Other: Safer Internet Day.

WEDNESDAY Results: AOL; Cisco Systems; Reckitt Benckiser; Smurfit Kappa; Tullow Oil. Meetings: Dublin Chamber event - 'Leaders with Pat McCann, Dalata Hotel Group'; SFA Business Bytes seminar 'Networking at the next level' (The Marker Hotel, D2). Indicators: US monthly budget statement (Jan) and 30-year bond auction; UK CB leading economic index (Dec) and RICS housing price balance (Jan). Other: Bank of England quarterly inflation report.

THURSDAY Results: Groupon; Rio Tinto; Shutterstock. Meetings: Mazar's Women's Networking Breakfast (Merrion Hotel). Indicators: Euro zone industrial production (Jan); US retail sales (Jan) and business inventories (Dec); French consumer price index (Jan); Japanese industrial production (Dec).


FRIDAY Results: Rolls Royce. Indicators: Euro zone trade balance (Dec); US Reuters/Michigan consumer sentiment index (Feb); German GDP (Q4) and CPI (Jan). Other: Financial Services Ireland annual dinner.