Consumer prices rise in February

Increases attributed to higher alcohol prices and health insurance premiums

Prices in miscellaneaous goods were down due to a decrease in hairdressing charges.
Prices in miscellaneaous goods were down due to a decrease in hairdressing charges.

Consumer prices were 1.1 per cent higher in February 2013, than in February 2012, according to new figures released by the Central Statistics Office.

The Consumer Price Index, published this morning, shows an increase of 0.8 per cent in consumer prices last month.

The most notable changes in the month were in clothing & footwear (+7.1 per cent) and furnishings & household equipment. There was a decrease in miscellaneous goods & services due to a decrease in charges for hairdressing.

The most notable changes in the year were increases in alcoholic beverages & tobacco (+5.4 per cent), education (+4.7 per cent) and miscellaneous goods & services (+2.9 per cent).


There were decreases in Communications (-4.4 per cent), furnishings, household equipment & routine household maintenance (-3.1 per cent) and clothing & footwear (-2.2 per cent).

The main factors contributing to the annual change were higher alcohol prices, higher health insurance premiums

The EU Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) increased by 0.8 in the month, compared with an increase of 1.1 per cent recorded in February of last year. Prices on average, as measured by the HICP, were 1.2 per cent higher in February compared with February 2012.