Tech sector dominates in search for job opportunities

Over half of visitors to jobs fair will seek tech roles

Technology jobs are key at this year’s Career Zoo. Photograph: Cyril Byrne / THE IRISH TIMES

More than half of the 10,000 attendees expected to attend this weekend’s Career Zoo jobs fair are seeking opportunities in the tech sector, according to event organisers.

The fair, at the Convention Centre Dublin on Saturday, will have a “tech town”, a dedicated space showcasing the Irish tech sector and the jobs on offer.

Among the tech companies hiring at the event are Salesforce. com, Dropbox, Version 1 and Liberty IT.

Salesforce is hiring a wide variety of roles across sales, customer support, engineering and marketing at its facilities in Sandyford.


Liberty IT, the IT solutions group of Liberty Insurance, has 80 IT positions to fill at its new premises in Blanchardstown.

Accenture is hiring multilingual customer service and technical support agents and digital marketing specialists.

Career Zoo director Brian Ó hOisín said: “We are also launching the ‘biocluster zone’, highlighting a host of positions across Ireland’s thriving biopharma industry, including engineering roles, advanced manufacturing, supply chain and logistic roles, as well as scientific and research positions.”

The event will also host a speaker series on the future of digital skills in Ireland.