Cost the main hurdle to cutting business greenhouse gas emissions

More than 80% of enterprises believe they are environmentally friendly

Klair Neenan, SSE Airtricity’s managing director, said that the survey showed a Government scheme for small and medium-sized businesses could aid these organisations in boosting their energy efficiency.

Almost half Irish businesses say that cost is the main obstacle to cutting their greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new survey.

Energy company SSE Airtricity’s first Green Business Sentiment Index, published on Tuesday, shows that 84 per cent of enterprises believe their organisations are environmentally friendly while 49 per cent do not know if they are using renewable energy.

According to the survey, 46 per cent of the 362 business owners questioned highlighted cost as the main hurdle to cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

Whie 37 per cent of those who took part retro-fitted premises, a quarter of them did not actually know what retro-fitting was.


Klair Neenan, SSE Airtricity's managing director, said that the survey showed a Government scheme for small and medium-sized businesses could aid these organisations in boosting their energy efficiency.

“For example, this research shows that 77 per cent of businesses feel government supports would help influence them in considering retro-fitting,” she said.