The Euro Changeover Board is issuing around half-a-million information items on the new currency each month, its chairman, Mr Philip Hamell, said yesterday.
"From September 1st, there will be a huge increase in our campaign. We will be intensifying our efforts very substantially to make sure that everyone in the country has a chance to hear about the euro, learn about it and get material about it," Mr Hamell said.
Around £15 million (€19 million) will be spent this year on various initiatives to provide information to both businesses and the general public.
Mr Hamell also warned retailers against taking advantage of consumers' lack of knowledge of the new currency. "Any suspicion about your company will leave an unwelcome shadow of doubt," he said. "If people feel they are being cheated or ripped off, they'll walk, so this is about retaining your customers.
"Retailers who want to retain business and want to inspire confidence among their customers ought to sign up to the national code for the euro changeover or sign up to an approved sectoral code within the national code."
Businesses signing up to the code produced by the Director of Consumer Affairs will be allowed display a logo showing they are carrying out the changeover fairly.