Fact File

Name: Ray Doyle.Born: Wexford.Age: 52. Marital status: He and his wife, Margaret, have two children

Name: Ray Doyle.Born: Wexford.Age: 52. Marital status: He and his wife, Margaret, have two children. Background: Started career as a journalist in local newspaper in Wexford. Moved to Independent Newspapers in 1968, reporting for Evening Herald, Irish Independent, Sunday Independent. Two years later became chief news editor for three titles. In 1980, returned to Wexford as managing director of People Newspapers, where he turned around the five newspaper titles. Moved to present post at Cable Management Ireland (CMI) in 1990.Why he is in the news: CMI is the first company to declare it will bid for Cablelink. It has 62,000 cable subscribers and revenues last year of £7 million. Mr Doyle and the finance director, Mr Stephen Keaveney, are 20 per cent shareholders in the company which was the subject of a £26.5 million buyout in 1996. Its other shareholders include Legal & General Ventures UK and Caring Communications Equity Ltd.