Deutsche Bank is ‘rock solid’ - John Cryan

Co-CEO reassures employees after shares plunge

John Cryan, co-chief executive officer of Deutsche Bank told employees that the bank is “rock solid” seeking to reassure markets after a plunge in the shares. (Photograph: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg)

Deutsche Bank is "absolutely rock-solid," Co-chief executive officer John Cryan wrote in a letter to employees, seeking to reassure markets after a plunge in the shares.

Cryan said he isn’t concerned about the Frankfurt-based lender’s ability to meet legal costs, he wrote in the memo published on Tuesday. While Deutsche Bank will “almost certainly” have to add to its provisions for legal costs this year, the firm has already accounted for it in its financial planning, according to Cryan.

“I am personally investing time to resolve successfully and speedily open regulatory and legal cases,” he wrote. “I want to remove the uncertainty among staff and in the market that these cases cause. A small group of senior people, led by me, will focus on this. For everyone else, we ask you to continue to focus on our clients and on the implementation of our strategy.”