Outgoing RSA chief Brett appointed to lead IBF

Gay Byrne said Brett had made a ‘massive contribution’ to road safety

Outgoing chief executive of the Road Safety Authority Noel Brett who has been appointed to lead the IBF. Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

The outgoing chief exectiveof the Road Safety Authority Noel Brett has been appointed as the new chief executive of the Irish Banking Federation.

Mr Brett announced his resignation from the RSA last night.

He was three years into a five-year contract with the authority and will take up his new role within the next three months.

John Reynolds, president of the IBF said Mr Brett possessed a "wealth of general management and policy development experience".


“He takes up his new role at a critical time as we strive to return the Irish banking sector to profitability and build step by step on the progress that has been made to date in restoring confidence and rebuilding trust in our sector.”

In a statement on Mr Brett’s resignation last night, RSA chairman Gay Byrne said the organisation was disappointed to lose Mr Brett and that he had made a “massive contribution” to road safety over the last 8 years.

"He was instrumental in guiding the RSA from its establishment in 2006 through its formative years to a point where the Authority is now held in the highest regard not just in Ireland but internationally."