Quinn group back in High Court over Facebook material

Quinn Industrial Holdings seeks removal of posts by ‘Concerned Irish Citizens’

Quinn Industrial Holdings Ltd and its chief executive Liam McCaffrey (above) want orders against Facebook Ireland requiring the removal of material. File photograph: Courtpix

A legal dispute between a company once run by businessman Sean Quinn and social media giant Facebook will return to the High Court on Tuesday.

Quinn Industrial Holdings Ltd (QIHL) and its chief executive Liam McCaffrey want orders against Facebook Ireland requiring the removal of material put up by "Concerned Irish Citizens", a group that says it supports lawful efforts to put the family of Mr Quinn back in control of the company's operations.

On Friday Mr Justice Paul Gilligan granted permission to QIHL and Mr McCaffrey to serve short notice on Facebook of its intention to bring proceedings over the matter. The application was made with only the Quinn side represented.


Michael Binchy, counsel for QIHL and Mr McCaffrey, said his clients had been in contact with Facebook seeking that it take down the material from its website. While some of the posts had been taken down, other defamatory material later went up, he said.


Facebook had responded to correspondence from his clients up until February of this year but since then had not responded. His side was seeking the taking down of the page, or alternatively the defamatory posts, and also wanted Facebook to reveal the identity of the person or persons posting the material, counsel said.


Tensions have emerged in recent times between Mr Quinn and the management and shareholders of QIHL.

It was reported yesterday that Mr Quinn is on the brink of having his €500,000 a year consultancy agreement with the manufacturing business terminated. The Sunday Business Post said QIHL's management and shareholders have asked Mr Quinn to withdraw for now his demand for a share in the company, along with a request for a board seat and a greater say in the strategic direction of the business.