Francois Pinault

Age: 62 years.

Age: 62 years.

Potted History: Son of a Breton timber trader. Founded own company with a family loan of £10,000 in 1963.

Built up empire based on timber products then sold out and moved into electrical equipment and retailing in early 1990s.

Reputation: Workaholic deal maker with a down-to-earth approach.


Friend of French President Jacques Chirac.

Worth: Personal worth estimated at £1.66 billion.


Age: 232 years.

Potted History: Oldest fine art auction house. The founder, James Christie, numbered painter, Joshua Reynolds, and furniture maker, Thomas Chippendale, among his friends.

Sold collection of first British prime minister, Sir Robert Walpole, and of Catherine the Great of Russia.

Biggest Deal: Sale of Van Gogh's Portrait of Dr Gachet in 1990 for £51.5 million sterling.

Reputation: Once tagged "gentlemen pretending to be auctioneers".

In fact, tough, competitive and prepared to diversify it will auction George Cohen's 1966 World Cup winner's medal this year.

Worth: Going, going, gone for £721 million sterling.