I-Form does medical implants deal with Shannon-based company

Science Foundation Ireland-backed centre teams up with PBC BioMed for new project

Prof Nicholas Dunne, who is leading the I-Form team along with Dr Tanya Levingstone at DCU

Innovative new medical implants could be on the way following a deal between Shannon-based company PBC BioMed and I-Form, the Science Foundation Ireland-backed research centre.

The €300,000 four-year agreement is for a project to investigate the feasibility of manufacturing magnesium-based medical implants using state-of-the art metal 3D printing and coating processes.

The aim is to demonstrate improved implant performance while developing a novel, cost- effective, advanced manufacturing process.

The I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre is focused on 3D printing combined with the use of digital technologies in manufacturing. The research team on the new project is to be led by Prof Nicholas Dunne and Dr Tanya Levingstone at DCU.


“Metal 3D printing is a digital-first advanced manufacturing process that facilitates rapid product development and unique designs that are not possible using traditional techniques,” said Dr Levingstone.


“The 3D printing of magnesium alloys is a relatively new area but the excellent mechanical properties and biodegradability make these materials exciting candidates for improved device performance in orthopaedic applications.”

Founded in 2010, PBC BioMed partners with medical device, biologic and pharmaceutical companies to support their innovation projects from design and development through to commercialisation.

"This long-term engagement with I-Form forms a critical part of our R&D product and technology roadmap process," said its managing partner, Paul Burke.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist