In Short

A round-up of today's other stories in brief

A round-up of today's other stories in brief

SSIA holders urged to read small print

The financial regulator has warned holders of Special Savings Incentive Accounts (SSIAs) to read the small print on any investment product before reinvesting the proceeds of their account.

The regulator has published a new consumer guide, called the Little Black Book of SSIAs, which includes information on the steps people must take before their SSIA matures.


The guide is available by phoning 1890 777 777, by visiting or from the regulator's consumer information centre at College Green in Dublin.

Research by the regulator shows that one in three consumers plan to reinvest their money, but consumer director Mary O'Dea said she was concerned that people might sign up to risky investments that they did not fully understand.

Complaints over air travel up 82%

Travel, online shopping, misleading advertising and cars gave rise to the highest number of complaints made to the European Consumer Centre (ECC) in Dublin last year, according to its annual report.

ECC Dublin, which intervenes on behalf of consumers with cross-Border disputes, said travel accounted for 32 per cent, or over 800, of the complaints it handled.

Air travel complaints increased by 82 per cent last year, with over half of the cases involving complaints from overseas residents against Aer Lingus and Ryanair.

ComReg seeks views on services

The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) has invited views from the public and industry on the provision of universal service for basic telecommunications services in Ireland.

In July 2003, ComReg designated Eircom as the universal service provider for a period of three years. Any telecom operator can make a case to be designated as a universal service provider should they so wish, ComReg said.

Building workers' hours fall in 2005

Average hours worked in the building sector fell in the last quarter of last year compared to a year previously, latest data shows. According to the Central Statistics Office's latest data, building workers worked 1.1 per cent fewer hours in December 2005, compared with December 2004.

Vodafone makes board appointments

Vodafone's Irish business appointed Brian Patterson, chairman of The Irish Times and the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority, to its board yesterday.

The company also named Paolo Bertoluzzo, chief commercial officer at Vodafone Italy, and Don Maher, director of customer and channel management at Vodafone Ireland, to its board.