An Bord Pleanála clears way for 236 student bed-space scheme

Inspector considers plan for site next to TU Dublin’s Grangegorman campus is suitable

Plans for 236 student bed-spaces for Prussia Street in Dublin have been approved by An Bord Pleanála. Photograph: iStock

Plans for 236 student bed-spaces for Prussia Street in Dublin have been approved by An Bord Pleanála despite some local opposition.

The scheme of three blocks, with one rising to seven storeys, is on lands adjoining the TU Dublin Grangegorman Campus.

The planning inspector in the case, Daire McDevitt, recommended that permission be granted to Viridis Real Estate Services Limited and Prussia Properties after concluding that the scheme “will result in overall improvements to the streetscape along this section of Prussia Street and the linkages to the Grangegorman campus”.

The scheme is a scaled down version of an eight-storey 296 student bed-space scheme that was refused planning permission the board in 2020 after concluding that the design, bulk and extent of blocks would be out of character with the context of the site and would represent a visually prominent form of development.


The appeals board ruled that the revised scheme would constitute an acceptable residential density for the suburban location and would be acceptable in terms of urban design, height and quantum of development.

Observers and Dublin City councillors s had raised concerns over the type of accommodation proposed which they said would add to the already oversaturation of the area from student accommodation and have a negative impact on the community, the planning inspector said.

However, Ms McDevitt said she did not consider that the addition of 236 bed spaces would constitute an over-concentration.

She said the site was appropriately located to support students attending third level institutions both within the city centre and to the north of the city in addition to the adjoining Grangegorman campus, which is envisaged will cater for around 20,000 students.

Referring to concerns regarding the potential anti-social behaviour, she said: “While I acknowledge the concerns raised, I have no reason to believe that this would be an issue.”

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times