Internet banking starts this week

Internet banking begins this week in Ireland with Bank of Ireland`s invitation to 1,000 customers to volunteer to put their accounts…

Internet banking begins this week in Ireland with Bank of Ireland`s invitation to 1,000 customers to volunteer to put their accounts on-line. This latest move is an extension of a limited pilot project which began earlier this year and allowed a small number of people a view only service. This includes viewing account balances and existing standing orders, making balance inquiries, checking transactions, doing back searches for cheques, checking credit card and loan balances.

By the end of this year or early next year the Bank expects these accounts to be interactive, allowing customers to do their banking completely on the Internet, in the manner of Banking 365, Bank of Ireland`s 24 hour, 365 day telephone banking service.

The 1,000 people who participate in this stage of the process will receive regular circulars from the bank and will be encouraged to send return e-mails with their comments and suggestions as to how the service should develop and progress. "This is still very new and we are very interested in knowing what people want from the service. Our customers will help design the final product," a spokesperson said.

The initial 1,000 Internet bank places are available on a first come first served basis.