Daily Telegraph editor leaves paper

Media group says Tony Gallagher is leaving as part of an ‘editorial restructure’

Tony Gallagher, editor of The Daily Telegraph, is leaving the newspaper as part of an editorial restructure.

Tony Gallagher, editor of The Daily Telegraph, is leaving the newspaper as part of an editorial restructure, Telegraph Media Group (TMG) has announced.

TMG said that Mr Gallagher was leaving the company as the business “moves to the next phase of its digital transformation”.

Telegraph journalists took to Twitter this morning to express their shock at Mr Gallagher’s abrupt departure, saying he had been “banged out of the newsroom”.

Journalist Ben Bryant tweeted: “Daily Telegraph editor Tony Gallagher has left. Newsroom in shock. Some in tears.”


Chris Evans, assistant editor (news), has been appointed acting print editor of the Monday to Friday editions of The Daily Telegraph.

The Sunday Telegraph’s editor Ian MacGregor becomes the acting weekend print editor of the Saturday and Sunday editions.

The group’s chief executive Murdoch MacLennan said: “Tony has done an excellent job for the newspaper and helped us to maintain our position as Britain’s leading quality daily.

“In particular he played a pivotal role in the investigation into MPs’ expenses. I would like to thank him and wish him every success in the future.”

Mr Evans and Mr MacGregor will report directly to Jason Seiken, chief content officer and editor-in-chief.

“We must reinvent the way we work and move beyond simply putting news and information online and be an essential part of the audience’s lives. Our competition is no longer only newspapers and we must innovate to survive,” Mr Seiken said.

“Since I joined TMG I have been talking to the staff at all levels. There is great enthusiasm waiting to be unlocked and the restructuring will open up enormous opportunities for our staff.”

Mr Gallagher was appointed editor in November 2009.