Former ‘Business Post’ editor Ian Kehoe joins board of RTÉ

Minister for Communications appoints financial journalist to public broadcaster role

Ian Kehoe was editor of the Sunday Business Post for four years before signalling in June that he would step down. Photograph: Alan Betson

Ian Kehoe, who recently left his role as editor of the Sunday Business Post, has been appointed to the board of RTÉ by Minister for Communications Denis Naughten.

The financial journalist will serve on the governing authority of the public service broadcaster for a five-year period, Mr Naughten said.

“Ian Kehoe was selected due to his significant professional experience in public service media and the creative industries,” the Minister said.

“I am confident that Mr Kehoe will greatly add to the expertise available to the Board as it continues to meet its obligations at a challenging time in broadcasting and emerging communications technologies.”


The appointment to the part-time role was made following a competitive selection process conducted by the Public Appointments Service.

Mr Kehoe was editor of the Sunday Business Post for four years before signalling in June that he would step down in the autumn to seek out other opportunities in the media sector.

He was previously an award-winning reporter with the newspaper, leaving to work for RTÉ's flagship Prime Time current affairs programme for a period and then returning to the Post.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics