Meteor phone brand being stood down

Eir says decision offers greater values but concedes contracts will stay the same

Meteor branding at the company’s music awards in 2012. Eir, the brand’s owner, have announced that it will be stood down from September. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

Mobile phone brand Meteor is being stood down in September when all of the brand's current customers will become Eir mobile customers.

It is understood that Meteor, which was acquired by Eir in 2005, serves roughly 750,000 mobile users in Ireland.

"This decision reflects the confidence we have in the Eir brand," said Richard Moat, the company's chief executive.

“The transition will be seamless and Meteor customers will continue using their mobiles exactly as before.


Single brand

“By focusing on a single mobile brand and reducing the duplication of supporting two brands, we can offer better value,” he added.

Despite the offer of better value, a statement from the company said there would be no change to contracts or mobile plans, “everything is exactly the same”, it said.

Eir had already been co-branding some of its retail units as Meteor and Eir stores.

Customers will receive details informing them of the change and a full “frequently asked questions” section is available on both brand websites.

Peter Hamilton

Peter Hamilton

Peter Hamilton is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in business