Namawinelake rises again

It seems the anonymous blogger behind Namawinelake, the scourge of media and government spoofery during the bailout, just can't keep away. NWL suddenly pulled the plug on its blog and twitter account back in May, just as journalists were inquiring into the author's identity. The blog's donations went to a Tim O'Keeffe, but it wasn't possible to prove which one.

On May 19th, NWL said what was supposed to be a final au revoir to Twitter, although it later started producing a digital magazine priced at €25 a month.

Three months after the "final" goodbye, however, NWL stepped back into the fray to tweet criticisms of RTÉ. It is now tweeting again almost daily, usually to take a chunk out of its favourite "old media" targets, although it won't respond to overtures.

Why not come back out to play, Tim? Your analysis is sorely missed.

Mark Paul

Mark Paul

Mark Paul is London Correspondent for The Irish Times