Ryanair Twitter launch is for the birds

The “worst job in PR” is also a fancy dress gig

Worst job in PR? Ryanair’s head of communications Robin Kiely

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's a bird and a plane, as Ryanair's head of communications Robin Kiely pulls on an ornithological costume to mark the launch of the @Ryanair Twitter account. To think Michael O'Leary once called Kiely's position "the worst job in PR".

The accompanying press release tells us that Ryanair is offering free flights for its 10,000th and 20,000th Twitter followers. At the time of writing, and nine days since it registered its account, it has amassed just a little more than 7,200 followers, so it’s still all to play for.

Disclaimer: In publishing this picture, Teleprinter doesn't want to be seen to be encouraging other corporate PR professionals to submit to fancy dress in the name of brand promotion, and any further such photographs will be considered for publication strictly on a case-by-case basis.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics