Sky shareholders register protest over James Murdoch

Sky posts 13% increase in sales in latest quarter as it benefits from falling sterling

Sky’s board said it had noted the “significant” vote against the re-election of James Murdoch

Sky shareholders registered a protest against James Murdoch's return as chairman of the British pay-TV company as votes representing more than 28 per cent of those cast at the company's annual meeting opposed his re-election to the board.

The opposition was significant given that his father Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox is Sky’s largest shareholder with 39 per cent of the outstanding shares.

Sky's board said it had noted the "significant" vote against the re-election of James Murdoch, and said it was aware that some proxy advisory services recommended shareholders oppose his election on the basis that he is not independent. The company will "engage with those shareholders", Sky said.

The broadcaster posted a 13 per cent increase in sales in the latest quarter as the British pay-TV company benefited from a decline by the pound since the UK voted to leave the EU in June.


Sales rose to £3.15 billion in the fiscal first quarter. Excluding currency swings, revenue rose 7 per cent.

Sales got a boost from the lower pound as revenue from markets outside the UK are converted to the British currency. – Bloomberg