Zombie naming rights for sale

Author Ed O’Loughlin invites readers to bid for immortalisation as undead flesh-eaters

Ed O’Loughlin: “Remember, in modern Ireland, everything has a price.” Photograph: Aidan Crawley

“Ever dreamed you were living through a zombie outbreak? Of course you have.”

So begins the pitch by author Ed O'Loughlin for the sale of character "naming rights" in his new "zombie noir procedural" novella, All You Can Eat.

The e-book promises a gruesome depiction of “an Ireland where society has collapsed and pitiless monsters feast on the weak and defenceless” (like all good zombie stories, this one is a satire).

The characters have been given names by the author, but are there to be “claimed” by anyone who fancies a walk-on part as an undead flesh-eater.


“With e-books, you can change names – and everything else – as you go along, even after they are published, which offers interesting formal opportunities,” says O’Loughlin.

'Buy off the plans'
Anyone who fancies taking him up on his offer-cum-marketing-gimmick can "buy off the plans" from a list of characters at Edwardoloughlin.com . . . or, if they're feeling so inclined, they can purchase the e-book and familiarise themselves with the plot before negotiating their price.

Among the disclaimers: “The author and his agents reserve the right to refuse silly or inappropriate names, even if they are real.”

All You Can Eat is credited to Edward O'Loughlin, "the industrial division" of Man Booker long-listed novelist Ed O'Loughlin.

So would the former foreign correspondent welcome offers from corporations to sponsor the places, venues and outlets featured in his books?

“Not in any other book, but definitely in this one – remember, in modern Ireland, everything has a price.”

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics