Montupet strike meeting

A MEETING, brokered by Dr Joe Hendron of the SDLP, is scheduled for Belfast on Monday between the management of the Montupet …

A MEETING, brokered by Dr Joe Hendron of the SDLP, is scheduled for Belfast on Monday between the management of the Montupet car components firm in Dunmurry and strikers who have been engaged in an unofficial dispute for two weeks.

There were scuffles on the picket line when some workers passed the picket yesterday after company manager Mr George Senninger warned the plant would close down if there was not a return to work.

About 300 workers are involved in the bitter dispute which escalated this week when 20 of the strikers were sacked. Others were given a deadline of 8 a.m. yesterday to return to work. The dispute which centres on the sacking of two fitters at Montupet is not supported by the main union at the firm, the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union.