My start-up: The Haven Smokehouse

Declan McConnellogue and Sue Cruse moved to Donegal to produce turf-smoked salmon

Declan McConnellogue: “We love this area, it’s stunningly beautiful. We get our fresh organic salmon from Fanad, just up the road, so it’s ideal.”

The Haven Smokehouse is owned by Declan McConnellogue and his partner Sue Cruse in Carrigart overlooking Sheephaven Bay, County Donegal. They use only organic Irish salmon and Declan fillets, cures and slices the salmon by hand. Local Donegal turf is used in their smoke house

Tell me about The Haven Smokehouse and how it began.

Sue and I wanted a change from London, where we were both working, and to move to beautiful Donegal. I worked as a painter and decorator and ran a decorating shop in London but the recession was in full flow in Donegal in 2011 so there was no work for me. I knew I would need to start something new, of my own. I spent my youth in Derry, cycling over to Donegal across the border having fun fishing, starting fires and cooking the fish I caught. I had been thinking about smoking fish with turf for a while and the idea developed.

How did the company evolve?


I started experimenting with a small smoker I built myself and some fresh salmon. The main thing was to smoke it with turf. It was very strong initially, very turfy, but after a lot of experimenting I found the correct balance. We also use beechwood to balance the flavour.

What was the biggest challenge you have faced with starting the business?

There have been many, many challenges. Lack of money while starting a new business in a recession was probably the hardest thing. Just day-to-day survival, paying rent and bills, feeding the family.

Who do you count as your biggest influence so far with the business?

Frank Hederman for his insights, honesty and integrity in the early days.

What do you love about your job?

The pursuit of perfection.

What is the hardest part?

My failure to reach it.

Does location help or hinder your business?

It’s an excellent location. We love this area, it’s stunningly beautiful. We get our fresh organic salmon from Fanad, just up the road, so it’s ideal.

What advice/key tips would you give to someone starting a business?

Take action. Once you have a plan, stop talking and start doing. So many people have great ideas in their head that never come to fruition. Don’t be put off by other people, or negativity. Be prepared to work very hard, keep your eye on the goal, don’t let red tape get in the way. Great things take time.

What was the best and worst advice you were given starting the business?

Best advice: Don’t let other, supposedly more experienced people dictate your future. Worst advice: “Wait until we get back to you, fill in that 30-page form and then you can think about getting started.” We nearly fell into the worst advice but then we wised up and just cracked on with it. We had no other income to fall back on, so we had no choice but to make it work.

What is it like being your own boss?

Great in many ways. We have a four-year-old daughter so we spend real quality time together – we work from home. If we had been in London she would have been with a childminder 10 hours a day. It can be hard to get work/life balance right in the early years of a business. We are working on it.

What does the future hold for The Haven Smokehouse?

Great things. We want to share this experience with visitors and show off this beautiful traditional method of smoking fish and where we live, and, in time, be a prominent feature on the Wild Atlantic Way.