New airport terminal costs to be monitored

Consultants have been appointed to monitor the costs of the new terminal at Dublin airport, Minister for Transport Martin Cullen…

Consultants have been appointed to monitor the costs of the new terminal at Dublin airport, Minister for Transport Martin Cullen announced yesterday.

The consultants will report back to Mr Cullen by June. The Dublin Airport Authority is building the terminal, but a decision on who manages the facility has yet to be made.

Mr Cullen said: "Verification ensures the best outcome for customers plus maximum efficiency and cost effectiveness". He said the verification process was part of a "triple safeguard" decided by Government in May 2005 as part of its aviation action plan.

The Minister announced that the independent verification would be carried out by a team led by chartered surveyors BoydCreed Sweet, with Parr Architects and Faber Maunsell, environmental consultants. The three firms will do an in-depth examination of the authority's costings.


Work has started on the planning application for the terminal and detailed pre-planning consultation with Fingal County Council has already taken place.

Terminal Two is due to be operational by 2009. Another piece of infrastructure, Pier D, is under way and will be open next year.

Mr Cullen said regulation of the new development would also be needed.

"In setting airport charges, the Commission for Aviation Regulation in its independent statutory role will ensure that charges reflect costs appropriate to the building of an efficient terminal. This will be done," he said.