One Life

Name: Eddie Brennan.

Name: Eddie Brennan.

Title: Managing director, Cable and Wireless.

School: St Pauls College, Raheny, Co Dublin.

College: UCD.


Marital Status: Married.

Wife: Mary.

Children: Aileen, Claire, Darina, Adrienne, Declan.

Home: Mariner's Cove, Howth, Co Dublin.

Membership of clubs: In my flying days, I used to be a member of Weston. Since moving to Howth, my plan is to get back into sailing and join Howth Yacht Club.

Most important life event: Apart from the day I was born, it was marrying Mary.

Biggest business break: Nick Koumarianos (previous managing director) being promoted to a post in the Cayman Islands.

Biggest business mistake: Agreeing to relinquish Irish distributorship for Microsoft.

Personal Bank: AIB Bank.

Time of getting up: 7.30 a.m.

Favourite breakfast: Grapefruit segments, fresh orange juice, bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, tea and toast.

Form of exercise: Walking.

Holidays: three weeks in France.

Favourite TV Programme: Morse.

Favourite radio programme: Morning Ireland.

Car: Audi 100.

Commuting time: 45 minutes.

Car miles per year: 14,000.

Air miles per year: 10,000.

Favourite airline: Aer Lingus and Ryanair are both very good customers so I could not possibly pick one above the other.

The worst thing about travel: Being away from home and family.

The best thing about travel: Seeing new places and experiencing different cultures.

Favourite tipple: Pint of Guinness.

Favourite restaurant for business: Kingswood Country House.

Favourite restaurant for dinner: Rolys.

Dying words: I did my best.