Onwards and upwards

Chocolate: Nestlé and Cadbury are among the major firms to have admitted their profits are likely to be hit by higher input …

Chocolate:Nestlé and Cadbury are among the major firms to have admitted their profits are likely to be hit by higher input prices.

Both firms have the brand power to pass on their costs to retailers, which will likely add a few cents on to Kit-Kat breaks and Flake baths the world over.

Beer and cream liqueurs:Heavy rain in Europe has come at the wrong time for the barley crop, leading brewers to warn of price hikes. Competition among supermarkets may prevent a big jump in beer prices, but prices aren't so sensitive with dairy dependent cream.

Pizzas:Pizza lovers face higher prices thanks to a combination of rising wheat and dairy prices. Quattro Stagioni fans take note: it's the record price of milk, which in turn drives up cheese prices, that could really inflate the cost of the perfect takeaway.


Soups, sauces and ready meals:Special heat-treated flours produced by Odlums at its Cork mill are used to make soups, sauces and prepared ready meals, while cream and milk powders are common ingredients in these products.

Ice cream:All the good things in life will be hit by the rise in raw material prices, and again it's the dairy prices - specifically milk fat, casein and whey proteins - that could make ice cream a little bit more of a luxury. Ben & Jerry's owner Unilever said its commodity costs rose €300 million in the first half of 2007, with the trend expected to continue.