Permanent TSB defers agm amid coronavirus crisis

Greencoat Renewables to proceed with agm on April 29th, but is encouraging shareholders to vote remotely on resolutions

Permanent TSB is to set a new date for its agm in the coming weeks. Photograph: Alan Betson

Permanent TSB has deferred the holding of its annual general meeting (agm), which was supposed to take place on May 6th, in an effort to protect shareholders and staff as Covid-19 continues to spread. A new date will be set for the meeting in the coming weeks.

“In response to both Government and societal action to minimise the spread of Covid-19, the board of Permanent TSB Group Holdings plc has taken a decision to defer convening the company’s annual general meeting 2020,” the company said. “In reaching this decision the board considered the health of shareholders, attendees and staff a top priority.”

Elsewhere, Dublin-listed wind farm group Greencoat Renewables said on Friday that while it planned to proceed with its agm on April 29th, it encouraged shareholders to vote remotely on resolutions by granting a proxy to the company chairman. It has also given investors an e-mail address to post questions they would like to see addressed at the meeting.

“Greencoat Renewables considers the wellbeing of shareholders and other agm attendees as a priority, and we are closely monitoring the coronavirus (Covid-19) situation,” is said.

Joe Brennan

Joe Brennan

Joe Brennan is Markets Correspondent of The Irish Times