Me & My Money: ‘Covid has absolutely changed my spending habits’

David Field, CEO, Marketing Institute of Ireland

‘We went to Lapland a couple of years ago. It was a 48-hour trip and was, without doubt, the best money spent in a long time,’ says David Field

 Are you a saver or a spender? 

While my love of shopping comes from working in the retail sector for years, I also spend. Saving is really about making sure the kids are looked after down the line with their education, which is the best investment, and the other important milestones in their lives.

Do you shop around for better value? 

Yes, but it depends on the item. I wouldn’t necessarily negotiate on some things such as luxury items. This probably stems from my time working in Brown Thomas, but I would be a believer that some items you can’t cut corners on.


What has been your most extravagant purchase and how much did it cost? 

We went to Lapland a couple of years ago. It was a 48-hour trip and was, without doubt, the best money spent in a long time. The kids had an amazing experience and one which we won’t forget.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? 

My AirPods. They have been a godsend, especially in the middle of a pandemic, for me to go for walks in the evenings and unwind.

How do you prefer to shop during the Covid-19 restrictions – online or local? 

Definitely local. I love going into shops and getting the chance to engage with people. I have found myself cycling to Lynam’s in Goatstown (Dublin) quite regularly with the kids for a treat. Lynam’s is a fantastic example of a local shop that serves the community brilliantly. In the pandemic, when I shop online, it’s primarily with Irish-owned or operated brands.

Do you haggle over prices? 

In the past, if I could, I would, but I would probably be less likely to haggle now with Covid as it’s not easy on retailers at the moment.

How has the Covid-19 crisis changed your spending habits

It has absolutely changed my spending habits. Before Covid, I would have been out a lot enjoying the restaurant experience, but since that has gone, I find myself saving money and not spending nearly as much. The takeaway, as for everyone, has been a winner and Kinara Kitchen on a Friday night is a real treat. The pandemic has also shown there are certain things that we don’t need. What is actually important is what you need on a week-to-week basis – lots of other things you can do without.

Do you invest in shares? 

I’ve only invested in shares once, and it worked out okay. But overall, I wouldn’t have much interest.

Cash or card? 

Since Covid, it’s been all card. Like most people, I often find myself not having cash on me.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money? 

Without doubt, my iPad Pro. It has been great as a second screen. I have not used a printer since the start of lockdown as it is great for reviewing and signing documents.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase? 

Yes, for a house and engagement – both were money well spent, of course. Good investments and still paying massive dividends!

Have you ever lost money? 

Thankfully, I have never invested in anything that lost money. On the other side of the coin, I have won money ...on a scratch card!

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win? 

I wouldn’t be a big gambler, bar the odd fiver on golf or rugby or a good accumulator.

Is money important to you? 

I’ve found that money isn’t all-important, it’s not what drives me every day. If the current crisis has taught me anything, it’s that material things aren’t as important as I once thought.

How much money do you have on you now? 

A €20 note that I’ve kept in my wallet for the duration of the pandemic, but card is everything these days.

in conversation with Tony Clayton-Lea